Our Lady of Assumption School is committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for all our students. The below policy has been developed to reflect the concerns in today’s world. However, a policy alone does not bring about change. To support the below policy, we provide our students with opportunities that promote respect for each other and love of your neighbour.


Harassment occurs when one person subjects another to unwelcome verbal or physical conduct because of race, religious beliefs, color, gender, physical or mental challenges, age, ancestry, or place of origin. Unwanted physical contact, attention, demands, jokes, or insults are harassment when they are persistent and negatively affect the learning environment.
A weapon as defined under the criminal code of Canada includes any item that is designed to be used as a weapon or any item a person uses or intends to use as a weapon intended to inflict injury.


The school has an obligation to provide a safe, nurturing learning environment that recognizes the unique gifts and inherent value of each student and staff member who is part of the school community.

In agreement with our philosophy on restitution and restorative justice and in light of the Gospel values believing that all persons are created in the image and likeness of God it is recognized all are capable of good and therefore, when mistakes are made the behaviours are challenged but the individual is affirmed and invited to make restitution and restore justice to the victim. In our Christ-centered community the actions of all focus on service to one another with emphasis on growth and transformation.

Parents role in discipline and providing the necessary structure for reconciliation and growth is recognized as vital in fostering and supporting learning and acceptable conduct while assisting their child in accepting the consequences of his/her actions (fixing his/her mistakes). Students have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes, to make changes, and make good choices with the understanding that consequences do follow actions.


Our Lady of the Assumption School has a set of values, beliefs and codes of conduct that is reviewed each year with the children. Each year teachers develop with the students a set of classroom beliefs that reflect respect, the dignity of all persons, and interpersonal relationships built on the command ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’ (Mark 12:31)

Using the principles of Restitution and Restorative Justice (parents, teachers and child working together)

  • We recognize that students will make mistakes and, therefore, need guidance and support to take ownership of a mistake and fix the mistake.
  • We reinforce with the students belief in acceptance, caring, hope and reconciliation
  • We help the students by setting realistic goals and clear expectations and responsibilities in terms of conduct and behaviour. We employ strategies of restitution that meets the needs and developmental level of the student. Consequences are age appropriate, consistent and fair providing the opportunity to restore one to the community.
  • We maintain a close collaboration among students, parents and staff members – parents are informed.
  • We provide opportunities to celebrate success and restore oneself to the community and give justice.
  • We provide community support as necessary – family service and other agencies that can provide counselling.

There are times when a bottom line corrective intervention is required as already mentioned in the handbook.

  • Disruptive behaviour, failure to comply and/or verbal abuse towards adults
  • Verbal, physical or sexual threats or assaults
  • Pernicious harassment
  • Use or possession of weapons
  • Use, possession or sale of illicit substances
  • Vandalism or theft, or any activities with criminal intent

Any of the above carries the consequence of in school suspension or out of school suspension or possible expulsion. Parental involvement is crucial at this level of intervention. There is a need for accurate and appropriate documentation and communication. Subsequent actions can include crisis intervention strategies, counseling services, access to alternate educational settings and/or involvement of government agencies and services.